How far can our canal boats travel, in the UK?

How far can our canal boats travel, in the UK?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

A great question, and one which we are asked a lot!

The simple answer is - AS FAR AS YOU WISH! because when the sun is shining, there’s enough energy generated to propel our boats at 3 knots all day long, and that's without touching the batteries at all!

A different question and another we are often asked is;  What about cruising at night or in the depths of winter when there is no sun? And the answer to that is that the batteries hold and provide enough energy to cruise for a further 10 hours at 3 knots - so as long as your batteries are charged, then you are good to go.

But how far can a wide beam travel? we hear you ask. Well it is fact that the canal network that can accommodated wide beams is less extensive. For example, you can't go through all the canals and tunnels that narrows can, but there is still considerable size network of rivers and canals that will accommodate you. And we are talking hundreds of miles! The Thames, Kennet and Avon, the Grand Union… the list goes on.

So, although narrowboats can travel the entire network, there is still plenty to see in a wide beam. And with solar power, it’s all zero emission and the sunshine is free!

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